The machine gunner fired off two magazines without break 机枪手一口气打光两梭子子弹。
The machine gunner fired off two magazines without a break 机枪手一口气打光了两梭子子弹。
Turret mounted machine gunners have their chance of death criticals reduced in most weapon categories 车顶机枪的枪手被击毙的几率降低。
It included a battalion of medium armored cars , a reconnaissance battalion ( medium and light armored cars ) and an infantry machine gunners ' battalion 部队包括一个中型装甲汽车营,一个侦察营(装备有中型和轻型装甲汽车)和一个步兵机枪营。
When attacking , use the right combination . artillary and at weapons against tanks , tanks against soft targets such as mortars , infrantry and machine gunners 进攻时,使用正确的组合。榴弹炮和反坦克武器对付坦克,坦克对付软目标,比如摩托车,步兵等。